There are tons of ways to get FREE STUFF all over the world and internet. Here I write about WHERE to find these free resources and HOW you can get this free stuff such as free classes, free software, free samples, and more.
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Tuesday, December 25, 2012
On the Market: Reflections of an Educated, Unemployed Twenty–Something
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Discount Beauty Queen
So today I went shopping for some items I needed. One of the things I needed was a shower gel (body wash). A lot of women use three main products in the shower; a body wash (or soap), a shaving cream, and a "feminine hygiene wash". My personal stance on beauty and personal care items is to purchase items which can multitask; one item to use for multiple purposes. So let's say the three items mentioned cost you $5 each. You'd be spending $15 for three items when you can use one for all three. My secret? Baby Wash.
A baby wash is an ultra gentle cleanser for babies. But why should babies have all the good stuff? My skin is sensitive and should be treated with TLC. And as for your hoo-haa, duh that's something you need to treat with special care. You gotta treat her like the queen she is. In case you didn't know, you shouldn't be using regular soap down there. Baby Wash is perfect because it has the keywords to look for: soap-free, gentle, sensitive, pH-balanced. If you check the label of a Summer's Eve feminine wash, those are the same words used on the bottle. Baby wash/baby soap is just as gentle AND yes it does lather so you can use it to shave too. I just got two of the Rite-Aid brand because it was two for only $5! So instead of spending $15 on three different items, I saved $10 AND got two items! SCORE!
Next up, lotion. I have sensitive skin so I don't like using creams and lotions with heavy fragrances (I get fragrance free). If you really like perfumed creams and lotions you can add fragrance to them yourself and save money. Just buy a fragrance-free lotion and add some scented oil to it, in whatever scent you like. Now in terms of multitasking...the reason I buy fragrance free lotions and creams specifically for sensitive skin is because you can use them on both your body AND face. Sure you can spend money on special serums, night creams, yada yada. But I find that the less junk is on my face the less likely it'll react negatively on me. Again I have sensitive skin so I like using products which are gentle and don't have a lot of extras in them. But even if you don't have sensitive skin, if you just want to moisturize your face, why spend money on an extra bottle just for your face? One bottle can go for both. Or even if you just want one separate lotion for your face, you still save money with this method because if you haven't noticed those face creams come in teeny tiny bottles which don't last at all. Let's do the math. A bottle of a generic brand, fragrance-free lotion is about $5 and can last you about 3 months, whereas a tiny bottle of face lotion will be about $10 and last one month.
Finally, hair. I spend more money on my hair than anything else. I don't splurge on an item that's not staying in my hair. Shampoos and Conditioners and meant to be washed out, so why spend $10 on a bottle? It doesn't matter what kind of miracle it promises to do to your hair, it's gonna be WASHED OUT! It's like throwing money down the drain. I can understand if you want to spend a little more on conditioners, but if your hair needs moisture better to invest in a leave-in conditioner which will go a longer way than a regular conditioner to wash out.
I'm sure there are a million plus ways to save money on your beauty routine, just do a little research before you go shopping next time.
What kind of beauty secrets do you have to share?
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Make Money Online
Market your skills and put them to use! You can freelance full-time or part-time; it's up to you! When you freelance by working online (also known as working remotely, virtual jobs, and telecommuting) you can make your own schedule and be your own boss!
I am gonna list the websites I found to be the most helpful:
oDesk - you create a free profile, take some free skills tests (proof for employers), and then apply for gigs. You set how much you want to get paid and they have a variety of jobs. I'm currently working on a writing assignment through this website. Again it's completely free to join and search for jobs.
Fiverr is one of my favorites. You pretty much promote different skill sets you have in the form of jobs you'd be wiling to do for a minimum of $5. For example you can offer to write a blog post for someone, for $5. You can also offer extra services for more money. I've used this site to hire freelancers. If you're looking to hire someone for a gig, this is one of the best websites to do it from. It's free to join and post for freelancers.
Flexjobs - they post all kinds of telecommuting and work from home jobs here. The only thing is that you have to pay a fee to join the site, in order to search and apply for jobs. I paid the fee last year, for 6 months, and while they had plenty of work from home job opportunities which were hard to find elsewhere, I was not able to successfully obtain work from this site. So I personally do not feel it's worth it to spend money to look for work, especially if you're unemployed and can't afford it. It's not super expensive but I'd rather spend my funds on necessary things. If you have the money however, go for it.
Elance - you can also create a free profile to search for freelance opportunities. I just started using this site so I don't have other feedback to provide other than it's free to use.
Which websites have you used to find work online?

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Wednesday, December 12, 2012
How to find a Job in a “Jobless” Market

Sunday, December 9, 2012
Short-term Housing in Downtown San Diego
This is a follow-up to my review on Old Town Place. I'm currently staying at Newport Place, managed by the same company, which is located in the downtown section of San Diego.
I am staying in a huge room, which is almost like a studio except I share the bathroom and kitchen with someone else. The room has a private entrance, is fully furnished, and even has a refrigerator and microwave. Just like with Old Town Place, all utilities are included; there is a laundry facility and computer station on site, and it is in a central location. Newport Place is perfect for anyone needing short-term housing in downtown San Diego, especially students of San Diego City College since it is about a block away.
Everything is pretty much within walking distance; supermarkets, shopping, post office, and more. I highly recommend this place to anyone in need of housing in San Diego.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
20K For College Students!
Free Classes and Tutorials!
Want to learn a new dance, a new language, how to make a dress out of old t-shirts? YOUTUBE might be the place for you. There are tons of videos up on just about everything you can think of; just try a search on what you’re looking for. Some helpful YouTube channels include: Expert Village, eHow, and ThreadBanger among others.
Do you dream of becoming the next J.K. Rowling? If so, you may want to check out some of the free writing classes and seminars offered by, to brush up those writing skills.
If computers are more your thing, check out some free classes offered by your local public library (NYPL), or from an amazing company called NobleDesktop which offers free seminars on some of the latest software (both online and at their NYC location). If you need the software you are trying to learn, but can't afford to purchase it, try the free downloads at CNET. CNET offers free downloads for both PC's and Macs.
Another helpful website which lists all kinds of free stuff for New Yorkers (such as courses, events, concerts, etc...) is ClubFreeTime. It's worth it to join just to get access to the wealth of resources offered.
FREE Classes at Wellesley College!
Monday, December 3, 2012
Win passes to San Diego Comic Con 2013!
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Short-term Housing in San Diego

By the way, the outside is gorgeous! They have a little patio area, which in front of my door is a table and chairs for those lovely sunny days. And I have yet to explore the rest of the complex and area, but I’m sure it’s all beautiful.
I felt inspired to write about this place because I did not find much information in my initial online search for short-term housing in San Diego, so hopefully this review serves as a guide for you.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Want more money? Declutter your space!
Ok I just had to write a quick post on the power of decluttering! And no this is not about Feng Shui (spelling?).
I am in the process of cleaning my room as I prepare for my move out West and in doing so I've already "found" $600 and I'm not even finished! How did I find so much money from just cleaning my space? Well for starters I sold a bunch of unwanted items on ebay. These were things that would have been trashed but instead I chose to give them a chance to make me some money by placing them in a kind of 'virtual garage sale'. Remember one person's know the rest. I made about $100 total from the stuff I would have thrown out. If ebay is not your thing I also sold some things on Craigslist so try there as well.
Next way to make money by cleaning is by going through all of your papers; any old letters laying around, 'important documents' collecting dust, envelopes you haven't opened. You'd be surprised how much money you have there! Trust me you will find some useful things! I found a few gift certificates I never used, a few money orders never redeemed; in one day I found about $400 worth just laying there waiting for me. Not to mention the change you have lying around! If you were to place all those coins in a jar and then take them to a Coin Star or Penny Arcade, I'm sure you would walk out a happy camper!
Now on to the 'woo-woo' stuff. Decluttering your space, especially the area(s) of your house and/or business dealing with money, opens your door to abundance. Do you ever wonder why you try and work so hard but don't see your financial situation improving? Or do you feel like you're in an uphill battle? The money is right there in front of you, just sitting waiting for you to use it. Plus how can you expect abundance and prosperity when your space is filled with money you're not even aware of or using? Why would more money enter your life when the money you have is not being put to good use?
Even if you think you have nothing of value in your home or business, try clearing out the space. Go through each and every one of those items you haven't used or looked over in a while. Believe me I think you will be pleasantly surprised by what you find.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Win Free Groceries for Christmas!
Monday, November 12, 2012
Shecky's Beauty Night Out SALE!!
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Freebies for Veterans!
Freebies for Service Members
Veterans Day Specials
Friday, November 9, 2012
FREE Weight Watchers??
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Save more by SPENDING more??
Is it possible? Can you actually save money by spending more of it? The answer is YES!
It's a very simple trick...all you have to do is play around with your budget so that everything you spend is rounded up to the next whole dollar amount. Even if you are really lazy and hate budgeting your money, all you do here is just add and subtract.
First get a piece of paper and write down the amount you currently have to spend. This includes everything; money for bills, for food, recreation etc...if your intention is to spend it then that number would go at the top.
Let's say you just got paid $600 and that's all you have until the next pay period, then $600 is the number which goes at the top of the paper. The next step is to write down all of your expenses until the next pay period below your starting amount. Let's say you get paid every 2 weeks; you would list all of your expenses from this pay period until the next so possibly some bills, lunch, transportation,etc.
The most crucial step after listing all of your expenses is to round the amounts up to the next whole dollar amount. So if your phone bill is $56.75 then you would list it as $57 under your starting amount ($600) and that is what you would subtract.
Every little bit helps and goes a long way especially if you're not very good at saving. By rounding up your expenses you end up indirectly saving. I highly suggest whatever amount is left over after either a pay cycle or the end of the month, you put in a savings account. Keep in mind this trick applies to both debit and cash transactions. For cash, pay only with bills and any coins left over place in a jar (or piggy bank). At the end of the month put everything from the jar into your savings.
If you don't have a savings account, check with the bank you have a checking account with to see what they have to offer for savings. I don't have a savings account with a bank I actually prefer online savings accounts such as Smarty Pig
where you can set savings goals. I think when you have a goal to save for you become more responsible and aware about saving; your success rate is much higher for achieving that goal. Maybe you want to save for an expensive item you've been wanting to splurge on or possibly a dream vacation you've been wanting to take; whatever it is this method will help you get started towards accomplishing that goal.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Free Writing Classes in NYC!
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Start your HOME BUSINESS on a Budget today!
Friday, May 18, 2012
Ways to save as a family
Monday, March 12, 2012
4th Annual Prom Dress Giveaway NYC!! FREE Dresses for Prom!
Thursday, March 1, 2012
$17 a day
**********Update 3/2/12**************
Just made $20 from creating a resume, so now I have 7 days covered; from 3/1-3/7, yeahh! I'm adding all funds to my smartypig account where I can save up towards this goal. I'm actually putting it all towards my "MOVING OUT" goal, which I want to have at least $3,000 by June 1st. More details to come!