If you made up to $58,000 last year, chances are you can file your taxes for free. If you go to the IRS website (http://www.irs.gov/) you can click on the “Free File” section to the right hand side of the site. You will be shown a list of verified companies where you can easily e-file your state and federal forms. Make sure to check which company files both, to save you a headache.

If you feel more comfortable having someone else file your taxes for you, look at your city/state’s website for information on local agencies which will file your taxes for free. Make sure to check if you are eligible first. In New York City for example you can find a center which will file for free by visiting this page on their site: http://nyc.gov/html/ofe/html/poverty/taxprep.shtml
Do your research on what FREE or LOW COST option will work best for you. DO NOT get ripped off by paying someone $40+ to file for you when you can get it done for FREE!
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