No gimmicks, scams, hidden fees, or sign-ups. You can obtain your credit report from all three credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian and TransUnion) for FREE once a year on
Very simple; you put your information on the secure website and request to view the reports from one or all three bureaus. I highly suggest checking all three credit reports because many times they do not contain the same information. You will then be transferred to the website of each credit bureau to view your report online, and print it if needed. It’s important to write down your report/transaction ID number so that you can go back to the report if you need to look it over (or print) at a later time. Please note that for security purposes all 3 bureaus will request some information from you regarding items on your credit report. They will all ask you some questions to verify that the person looking at the report is YOU, so make sure you are aware of your past addresses, phone numbers, lenders, etc…
All of the credit bureaus have sections outlining what you need to do in order to report any inaccuracies in your report. It is very important to go through each credit report with a fine tooth comb and make sure to fix any mistakes even if they seem minor. It’s important to stay up to date on your credit report so you can avoid any identity theft or fraud against you.